Black Elite 50,000 Points
- Weekly Free Play Offer*
- Weekly Food Offer*
- Discounted Hotel Offers*
- Redeem Points for Comps or Cypress Plus
- Earn Point the Same Day
- Free WiFi Access in the Casino
- Complimentary Hotel Offers*
- Complimentary Tickets to Concerts & Special Events*
- Birthday Offer*
- 1000 Weekly Bonus Entries for Main Promotion
- Earn Points 20% Faster
- 25% Discount at Bizzute’s Gift Shop
- 35% Discount at Food Outlets
- 50 Cent per Gallon Weekly Fuel Discount**
- Tier Upgrade Kiosk Offer - Once per Period
- Premium Drinks on Casino Floor
- $250 Monthly Food Credit at the Outlet of Choice
- Waived Credit Card Transaction Fees
- Waived Check Cashing Fees
- Exclusive Gift at Tier Renewal
- Priority Line at Club Cypress Booth
- Exclusive In-Room Amenities
- Complimentary Room Upgrade***
*Offers based on criteria, play or on availability.
**Up to 20 Gallons weekly, redeem at Club Cypress Booth.
***Based on availability. Cash discounts only for Bizzute's Gift Shop & Food Outlets.